
Epub library created in Java

Epublib was developed as a unique and open source Java library that can help you manage epub files.

Epublib is a library that can be used to read / write epub files programmatically. The files can also be accessed via the Command Line Interface.
Here are some key features of "Epublib":

Comprehensive coverage of the epub standard:
· Has support for the spine, the table of contents and the guide.
· Since the latest version it supports all the roles as defined in the Library of Congress relator list

Cleans up html into xhtml:
· Does not remove non-standard tags and attributes, but makes html files into valid xml

Cleans up non-standards compliant epub:
· Epublib tries to be as forgiving as possible when reading epubs and writes them as standards-compliant as possible.

Simple things are simple:
· The API is designed to be as simple as possible, while at the same time making complex things possible too.

Fixes the coverage on many readers:
· For different epub readers the coverpage needs to be specified in a different way.

Convert (uncompressed) windows help (.chm) files to epub:
· After uncompressing a windows help file with something like chmlib epublib can make an epub file out of the resulting html and windows help index files

· Java

Publisher:Paul Siegmann 
Size/OS::1 KB / Windows All
Date:February 13th, 2013

