KWizCom SharePoint Find and Replace 1.0.17

Quickly replace hardcoded strings in SharePoint lists, document libraries, web part properties and text-based documents.

SharePoint administrators will find this useful during SharePoint upgrade process when user hardcoded URLs result in broken links due to server name changes.

KWizCom's SharePoint List String Search and Replace will scan all of your SharePoint lists, WebParts and text documents and will replace the existing strings with an updated string of your choosing. Give SharePoint Find and Replace a try to fully assess its capabilities!

· SharePoint Server
What's New in This Release:

· Changed to 64bit only build, reference Microsoft.SharePoint.dll changed to version 14.
· Fixed a bug not updating the UI log while job is running.

Size/OS::256 KB / Windows All 
Date:February 3rd, 2013


:KWizCom SharePoint Find and Replace 1.0.17